The Partners in Education program promotes a concept that school, community and families are all to benefit when children in the area receive a good education. When a partnership is entered into, the business and the school try to do things that are mutually beneficial to one another. For many years the Bank of North Georgia (formerly First Nation Bank) has provided a variety of financial and human resources for the faculty, staff and students of Porterdale Elementary School. The following resources are examples of their continued support:
- Reading Tutors
- Nature Trail Development
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Computers and Software
- Maps and Globes
- Student Recognition Programs
Other Partners in Education for Porterdale Elementary include the following businesses: TBA
We appreciate all our friends and partners in education do to make Porterdale Elementary the best that it can be.
Parents who own their own business or are in management are welcomed to inquire about becoming a Partner in Education.