School Council

Purpose of the School Council

  • To improve communication and participation of parents and the community in the management and operation of the school.
  • To bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation
  • To solve difficult educational problems
  • To improve academic achievement
  • To provide support for teachers and administrators
  • To bring parents into the school-based decision-making process
  • To assist the local board of education in developing and nurturing participation
  • To bring parents and the community together with teachers and administrators to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other's concerns
  • To share ideas for school improvement

School Council Members

  • Clydia Newell, Principal
  • TBA, Teacher Representative
  • Kimberly Galon, Parent Representative
  • Erin Howlett, Bank of North Georgia

Porterdale Elementary appreciates the dedication and time the members of the school council contribute to our ongoing success. School council members serve a two-year term of office. Meetings are held monthly. Council members attend two training programs each year. If you are interested in serving in the future as a school council member, please contact our school.